Services Overview

I help solo professionals and small business owners operate more efficiently, so they can do the work they would rather be doing.

Here’s a sample of what I can do for you:

Managing the Day to Day

  • Schedule and manage client appointments and your calendar
  • Set up automated appointment link and link calendar to your website
  • Create daily To Do lists
  • Follow up with clients when they don’t complete tasks or contracts
  • Screen/answer e-mails
  • Sort through client inboxes and manage priorities
  • Enter contacts and information and manage your client database
  • Travel plan assistance and reservations
  • Bookkeeping
  • Expense report management
  • Client invoicing and follow up on outstanding invoices
  • Manage and maintain client contact lists
  • Update/monitor software and other subscriptions
  • Monitor permit, licensed and required inspection dates
  • Order supplies, equipment and business gifts
  • Inventory analysis and usage reports


  • Design Newsletter Templates and Landing Pages
  • Set up SMS marketing campaigns
  • Segmentation of your audience
  • Create testing campaigns
  • Create visuals for marketing
  • Create Customer Surveys
  • Create and integrate sign-up forms
  • Data analysis to improve your marketing
  • Set up and maintain customer CRM
  • Research best Email Service provider for your business
  • Market Research and analysis

Event Planning and Coordination

  • Venue research for sites and hotels
  • Announcement and sending out invitations
  • Tracking responses and follow up
  • Create custom designed PowerPoint slide templates
  • Create PDF’s, workbooks and transcripts for classes or workshops
  • Proofread slide decks, emails and other copy
  • Audio and video equipment rental
  • Catering
  • Set up payment acceptance
  • Gifts and copies
  • Webinar set up, support and training


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